Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Night of Cosmic Shifts!

Last night was the occasion of the Annual TRC Ball - for those of you who don't know, TRC stands for Tanglin Rugby Club. Jonny used to play for them and Simon has been a coach there for about three years now. Last night it was either black tie or James Bond - hence the vast majority of the guys in their DJ's, and the women...well...thankfully most of them were in formal wear. I am not sure the guys could have stood having more than a few, lets say, more mature ladies, in gold jumpsuits or hot pants dancing around. It is always interesting to see how people are at these do's - there is a palable atmosphere of self satisfaction in the air - but hey, why not? TRC has had a great year this year, and the club is what if the parents let their hair down once a year and pretend we are still young :-)

I do enjoy these do's but they are always kind of surreal - having been in Singapore for a while now, I have been to several balls and formal dinners and they are always odd. Nice, but odd. The women, bless us, all think we are 17 again and the men also revert straight back to their teenage years as soon as The Jam or Madness or even, God forbid, Abba are played by the DJ who has of course, been forewarned about the average age of the party goers. The music is usually, well, how can I say it... naff, the food is always good and the free flow wine and beer flows exceptionally well.

Last night was no exception apart from 3 major cosmic shifts that took place in my head - I am astonished that the world looks the same this morning, as I fear I have changed beyond recogntion...

Cosmic shift 1 : I didn't get drunk - in fact I drank more water than wine! This has never ever happened to me before in a situation like that.

Cosmic shift 2 : Two visiting players from the Saracen's Rugby Club were with us last night - rather dishy the pair of them - and I felt OLD when they were talking to me...the flirty fairy has clearly given up on me and is now working elsewhere :-( The picture above is of me with said dishy player....

Cosmic shift 3 : I had been bundled, reluctantly onto the dancefloor by my husband and after a few minutes of 'dancing' found myself happily singing along .....'dancing queeen, young and sweet, only 17....'

Oh help me.. I am turning into an expat wife after all...

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