Friday, January 7, 2011

If it's Saturday it must be Singapore...

well, it's 5.11am, Saturday, I believe. I am a little unsure as once again, me and my friend Mr Jet Lag are playing tag with my sleeping patterns. Having spent 3 weeks in the UK, we flew back yesterday - or the day not entirely sure to be honest. Anyways I have been up since around 215am, and have amazed myself by actually doing some work :-) (is this a good sign?)
I have an additional job starting on Monday as a part time LS teacher at one of our International schools and , I am hoping that by then I will at least have had some sleep. It is sure going to be a fun and hectic ride combining my work for Live and Learn with this post. Not this actual blog post, I mean the work one..oh you know what I mean ..I need to stop deploying all these delaying and avoidance tactics (how long is it since I blogged? - now I feel the sudden need to share my inertia and inadequacies with an unseen and possibly non-existent audience) and read the Teacher Handbook. It's ages since I was attached to an actual school, with a regular timetable so at least I will know where I'm at for once. For 3 days a week anyway.
A friend of mine told me I had 'dyscalendar' after I shared the story of how I once thought I was flying back to SG from the UK on a Saturday and how it turned out that my flight was actually booked for the Thursday. I had just happened to check the itineray on the Wednesday night and realised that me and the kids were due to fly in the morning.... thus hastily cancelling all plans to visit those people I hadn't got around to yet, (but was going to fit in before I left)and try and remember where I had put the passports..not great.
SO I am more than happy to announce to my unseen and possibly non-existent audience that I have added 'learning to use Outlook Calendar' to my NYR list. My boss, lovely woman, told me that my use of an actual diary, a real one, with pages and hard covers was 'cute'. I think that may have been American for 'get a life and use Outlook'. ( she is too nice to atually tell me this, but hey, I can do subtexts) She has also, over the last few months, emphasised to me, at length, how amazing all this technological stuff is, you know, phone conferencing(I did one - with a colleague in the States and someone down the road, all at the same was so cool..I really wanted to start with 'this is London calling, London calling ' but I wasn't sure they wouldn't think I had gone mad - I'm not even from the South of England, never mind London) BCC's (?), email portals (??), iPhones (she got me on that, I really want one. Apparently you can get these things called 'Apps' and there's one that you can use whereby you type in what you eat and it tells you how many calories you have left on your daily allowance - does it know you're not lying? Plus, and this really got me, you can wave it around in the air and it will tell you the name and album title of any piece of music that happens to be on..Incredible...and you can read books, watch films.. I wonder if you can get special glasses to make that small screen look huge, cos my eyesight is another story...) Anyway, I digressed there... So, to get to the point, she told me most particularly about, yup, Calendars. I think I got the hint.
But, I have still got an actual diary, with pages and a rather nice beige cover....

Am still tired....have just been sat staring at the screen for several minutes before realising my mind had gone blank. I think I am hungry too, but the Diet Starts Today so no snacks for me. Actually that should go on the NYR list too...