Saturday, November 6, 2010


Sunday...the day of rest, that lovely peaceful day when the family gathers around the breakfast table, or the pool, or whereever and has real quality time together...breakfast in bed, leisurely walks with the dog, a small dose of trash TV and a browse through the Sunday papers...
I wish...
Here in Not Just An Expat Wife land, Sunday is usually one of the busiest days of the week...I get up early to go to church - this morning having a panic as I couldn't find, in order, clean clothes, ironed clothes, my toothpaste ( ?), my dog ( ??) my cheque book, my car keys and then my glasses ( I need them for driving ).
Once at church, I got lost trying to find the main room ( I am new there ) and then got lost again on the way out trying to find the door that leads to the car park...
After church, I went food shopping, and lost the car in the carpark...
When I came home, I thought I had lost my daughter but she was 'doing homework' aka 'still asleep until a minute ago' :-)
I then realised I had lost my flower cutting scissors - I had a flower buying binge in the supermarket as there was an offer on beige and purple and orange flowers .. I know, I know..
Then, I lost my phone for the first time today - I know from experience it will happen again within the next few hours...
After that, I wished I had lost my ironing board ( that has happended once ) as I totally failed to do the weeks worth of ironing last night as I got sucked into watching some random programme about house building in Scotland ( displacement activity perhaps?), then ended up chatting on FB till midnight while polishing off the remains of the alcohol left in my fridge..oops...
I actually lost my dog this afternoon for about 10 minutes when we went for a walk - then found her swimming in the muddiest puddle she could find (she is only a little dog so she can actually swim in a puddle, I am not just trying to be funny!)
I am now ignoring the fact that my dishwasher has not been emptied, my sink is full of dirty pots to go into said dishwasher, I have rashly promised to make chicken and mushroom pie for dinner, I haven't called my mother, and I still have a weeks worth of ironing to do. I also keep remembering things I need to remember for work tomorrow, then forgetting them again, and panicking. I am also wondering what time my husband said he would be back from a long business trip today - or indeed if it even is today that he is back...
My prayer for today is that God grants me serious amounts of organisational skills. Now, preferably...

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